Montana Janes

Come visit the Montana Janes Bozeman dispensary Friday, February 7th for a fun-filled event with deals and more!

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By entering this site, you verify you are 21+ or a medical patient. You also agree to our Terms and Privacy Policy.

Are you 21 or older?

By entering this site, you verify you are 21+ or a medical patient. You also agree to our Terms and Privacy Policy.

Are you 21 or older?

By entering this site, you verify you are 21+ or a medical patient. You also agree to our Terms and Privacy Policy.

Are you 21 or older?

By entering this site, you verify you are 21+ or a medical patient. You also agree to our Terms and Privacy Policy.

Montana Medical Marijuana Card Info

Learn how you can save thousands of dollars on your Cannabis needs by becoming a registered Montana Medical Marijuana Card holder.


Let us Help You Contact a Medical Marijuana Doctor

Fill out this contact form and one of our team members will reach out shortly with a list of available state licensed doctors and clinics in your area.

Are you a Montana State Resident? 
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List Of Qualifying Conditions

All qualifying conditions must be diagnosed by a licensed clinical physician, and patients must have a history of dealing with these conditions in the past.

  • Cancer 
  • Glaucoma
  • HIV
  • Chronic Pain
  • Immune Deficiency Syndrome 
  • Cachexia or Wasting Syndrome 
  • Severe Chronic Pain 
  • Intractable Nausea or Vomiting 
  • Epilepsy
  • Multiple sclerosis 
  • Crohn’s Disease 
  • Painful Peripheral Neuropathy 
  • A Central Nervous System Disorder
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD

Why should you look into a
Medical  Marijuana card?

In Montana, buying recreational Cannabis incurs an additional 20% state tax on top of each sale. Compared with the much lower 4% state tax on Medical Marijuana for card holders, the savings can make or break many peoples ability to have access to this powerful medicine. In many counties and cities in Montana, there is also a 3% 'local option' tax added to both medical and recreational Cannabis as well.

On average, recreational consumers spend 30.43% more on Cannabis each year
So, How Do I Sign Up to Become a Medical Marijuana Card Holder? 
  1. Make Sure You Have A Documented "Qualifying Condition", refer to the list on the left for the state of Montana
  2. Schedule an appointment with an appropriate provider to get a "MMJ Recommendation". Contact us for a current list of approved physicians.
  3. Fill out the applicable forms on the Cannabis Control Division website and TAP portal by clicking "Apply Here" below.
  4. Be prepared to pay the necessary registration and physician fees. Registration is $20 per year with the state, and physician fees typically start at $160 (paid in cash) for new and renewing cardholders per year. These fees go up to $200 for minors, and can incur an additional $50 for purchase limit increases. If you are planning to cultivate for a minor applicant, you will need to pay for fingerprinting and background checks as well.
  5. While the upfront costs seem steep, here's an example to help put things into context. Montana rec consumers spent on average $1.25 million more per month on taxes in 2022 alone when compared to medical consumers - for the same amount of cannabis purchased!

How to find the right provider to recommend a MMJ card

For many patients, it can be daunting to approach your primary care provider to ask about a recommendation for Medical Marijuana. Many of our patients have experienced gaslighting and dismissal by their PCP when the topic of Medical Marijuana arises, despite its relatively safe track record, low side-effects, and clinically proven efficacy for many symptoms.

Don't worry! Montana Janes has you covered. We work with a number of state licensed & board-certified physicians that have the bedside manner, expertise, and quality of care you deserve.

If you have questions or concerns regarding whether an ailment qualifies you, or simply need help getting connected to a prescribing physician, we are here to help. Please fill out our short contact form below, and we will connect you with a licensed clinic for evaluation and help answer any questions you may have about the process.

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Joint, grinder, and rolling tray.Elk in forrest.Campfire photo.